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A community for the wise leader

The soul of technology is the people who make it come alive. In Teams, these are community builders and people who come together to find shared purpose and meaning.

Today we are highlighting Nitin Garg, who is bringing together aspiring leaders to share stories and help each other unlock inner peace as we achieve more.

Nitin leads the thriving and growing Teams community called “The Wise Leader.” Having spent decades in technology and product management, life pulled Nitin inwards into self-discovery. In his community, Nitin courageously shares his own struggles and hardships (read more about it here) taking him through financial hardships and nearly dying from a severe illness to finding professional success yet dealing with a haunting sense of something lacking. Through years of self-work, he found inspiration in sharing his insights and joy with others as a leadership coach.

His wish for each of us is to step into life fully and open-heartedly, embodying our greatest truth in service of our self and others – to realize that we, too, can become the creator of our own destiny.

If this resonates, consider joining his community on Teams where he conducts regular workshops, events and shares life lessons. It’s free to join and is an open and safe space to meet others on a similar journey. You can come with an open heart to share your experiences and ask questions. Events are recorded for offline viewing and available in the community.

You can also contact him on his website here: Work with me | Sunkulp

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